Why you think you don’t like reading.
So many people believe they don’t like reading. We at The Book Corner believe that this is an untrue and harmful belief.
There are many reasons that people think that they don’t like reading, and most of them have easy solutions.
Physical books are weird
Some people don’t like the look, feel or smell of books.
If this puts you off reading then you could try an e-reader or read online. Many websites offer “virtual books” and this can easily solve the problem of not liking the look, feel or smell of books.
Reading is schoolwork
Many people associate reading with school.
This is a common assumption but it is also completely wrong.There are many books that have nothing to do with school, and they are often the ones that people find easiest and most enjoyable to read.
Books are boring.
All books are boring is another inaccurate belief many people hold.
There are definitely books that some people will find boring, but that doesn’t mean that all books are boring.
The reason that some people think that books are boring is usually because they haven’t found the genre of books that they like reading yet.
Once you find your genre, your whole reading experience is changed.
Happy endings
Another thing that people wrongly associate with reading is happy endings.
Not all books have happy endings, in fact, most books don’t.
Some people do like reading books with happy endings and that is fine, but if that is not your style then don’t worry because there is a world full of books that don’t have happy endings at all.
It’s nerdy
Often, people think that reading makes them a nerd or that it isn’t cool to read.
This is complete nonsense because there are loads of books that are not nerdy at all.
Let's take Harry Potter as an example. Firstly, the characters in Harry Potter are not all nerds and secondly if you were to watch the Harry Potter movies you wouldn’t be a nerd and (in our opinion) reading the books is even better than watching the movies.
Now we come to the subject of classics.
Classics are really old books that many people really like. A classic can be a good book but they can also be extremely hard to read.
Classics often use words from the old English language and can be quite hard to read. They often eat old fashioned food and use out of date sayings like “old boy” or “Quite ill”.
If you are going to read a book, always remember that, just because it is not a classic does not mean that it is not a good book.
Books don’t interest me.
Some people think that books don’t interest them because they read books because they have to. If you associate reading with school, nerds or anything else that makes you “unpopular” then you are so wrong.
If you just associate reading with something that you enjoy, like travelling the world or going on an adventure, then you will have a much better time with your books and you will soon find out that you did like reading after all.
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